Message Types
Classical message boxes in different flavours.
Generic Message
If something is hard to do, then it's not worth doing it. — Homer Simpson
@import "base"; @import "imports/modules/msg";
<div class="msg">
<div class="msg__title">Generic Message</div>
<p class="msg__bd">
The Awesomeness framework itself uses the flyout as navigation pattern. Since that is the best and most effective way to show you how it works, you will not find an example on this page.
<div class="msg msg--info msg--has-icon">
<div class="msg__title"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-info-circle"></i>Info Message</div>
<p class="msg__bd">
The Awesomeness framework itself uses the flyout as navigation pattern. Since that is the best and most effective way to show you how it works, you will not find an example on this page.
<div class="msg msg--success msg--has-icon">
<div class="msg__title"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-check"></i>Success Message</div>
<p class="msg__bd">
The Awesomeness framework itself uses the flyout as navigation pattern. Since that is the best and most effective way to show you how it works, you will not find an example on this page.
<div class="msg msg--warning msg--has-icon">
<div class="msg__title"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-warning"></i>Warning Message</div>
<p class="msg__bd">
The Awesomeness framework itself uses the flyout as navigation pattern. Since that is the best and most effective way to show you how it works, you will not find an example on this page.
<div class="msg msg--error msg--has-icon">
<div class="msg__title"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-times"></i>Error Message</div>
<p class="msg__bd">
The Awesomeness framework itself uses the flyout as navigation pattern. Since that is the best and most effective way to show you how it works, you will not find an example on this page.